Welcome to our new series! Each month we’ll be featuring a guest dog trainer and sharing what a day in their busy, but fulfilling life looks like. When you’re starting out on a new career path, there’s usually a difference between what you think it’ll be like and what it actually turns out to be like. With this series, I hope to help up and coming dog trainers get an inside peek into what they can expect if they decide to pursue dog training as a career path.
Our first guest is Marcella Ward, whom I’ve had the pleasure to meet in person. She is a fabulous, dedicated dog trainer that goes above and beyond for both her two legged and four legged clients.
Here’s what a day in her life as a professional dog trainer typically looks like.
- 10:00am Wake up and take the dogs out. Feed the dogs breakfast and take a shower.
- 11:00am Check e-mails and phone calls. Call or e-mail potential clients.
- 12:00pm Update social media and schedule next round of classes.
- 1:00pm Take some time to relax and eat lunch.
- 3:00pm Take personal dogs for a walk and do some training.
- 5:00pm Head to client’s house for private session. Initial consults are 90 minutes while follow up sessions are 60 minutes.
- 7:00pm Feed dinner to dogs and grab dinner myself.
- 9:00pm Take time to decompress and prepare for the following day.

(You didn’t think dog trainers took weekends off did you?)
- 11:00am Wake up and take care of the dogs.
- 11:30am Shower and have breakfast.
- 12:00pm Run personal errands.
- 3:00pm Prepare treats and items needed for class.
- 4:00pm Teach puppy class.
- 5:00pm Take a 30 minute break.
- 5:30pm Teach basic obedience class.
- 6:45pm Grab dinner and head home to feed dogs.
- 8:00pm Check e-mails, phone and social media and touch base with clients.
About Marcella Ward
Marcella Ward uses positive reinforcement methods to help you more effectively communicate with your dog. She wants dogs and clients to enjoy working with each other and strives to increase the understanding between owner and dog. She is dedicated to continuous learning because the methods in which we teach our dogs are ever changing. There are new discoveries being made regularly and she strives to keep up with and use those methods to create a positive, happy learning environment for you and your dog. Dogs Speak Dog Training is located in the Houston, Texas area. Find more information at http://dogsspeakdogtraining.
(All photos were provided and authorized for use by Marcella Ward.)
Looking into becoming a dog trainer?
Grab our free eBook, “10 Common Mistakes New Dog Trainers Make With Their Businesses.”
If you’re thinking about starting your own dog training business, take advantage of this free eBook to avoid some detrimental mistakes that many dog trainers make.
Are you spending your time on the right tasks to grow your business? Are you worried about making continuous income throughout the year? Will your business be sustainable for years to come? Prepare yourself with the help of this eBook!