In this post, I feature 5 dog training related channels that I find extremely valuable. These channels feature genius training techniques that facilitate the dog’s learning, sets up the dog to be successful, and truly showcase how to reinforce behaviors that are deemed appropriate according to humans.
This channel is operated by Michael Shikashio CDBC, speaker, behavior consultant, and advocate for education about aggression in dogs. His focus is on helping people and professional dog trainers better manage aggression in dogs. In this channel, he demonstrates how to use a variety of tools and safety protocols to protect yourself when working with an aggressive dog.
Smart Bitch Modern Dog Training is run by a fabulous duo – Taylor Barconey & Jiovany Alcaide . They gracefully mesh skilled dog training techniques with an entertaining way of delivering that information. They are also a great example of what powerful branding and messaging can have for a dog training business.
From basic obedience to tricks, this channel features some easy to implement training techniques any dog owner could do. As trainers, we can often take our mechanical skills for granted so this channel offers up some methods your clients might appreciate.
After browsing a thread on up and coming professional dog trainers, I found this channel by Kamal Fernandez. He is a world renown dog training and world championships level dog sports coach and has a variety of videos on dog sports as well as reactivity.
This channel hosts a ton of videos from Chirag Patel, internationally leading figure in the animal behavior profession. He has a video that revolutionized the way I teach “drop.” Because of his technique, my dogs drop anything they have, without question, every time, without hesitation, on the first request. It is absolutely genius so check it out!
This week I answered some great questions that I hear all the time so I wanted to address them!
Giving Away Too My Free Advice?
You’re showing up regularly online to develop a reputation and connecting with potential clients, but where do you draw the line with giving away free information?
Won’t they just take your tips and never hire you?
Think about this:
Why does an expert baker give away their secret recipe in a cookbook?
1) People still prefer the convenience of you doing it for them 2) To reach people outside of their local area 3) Develop notoriety 4) People still prefer to have their hands held
Stop worrying about giving away your “secret sauce.” You ARE the secret sauce and no one can take that away. When people are ready to experience the magic of working with you, they will.
There will come a time when they are tired of doing a DIY approach.
There will come a time when they’ll be ready to see change and finally get the answers for their specific situation. When they’ll want their hands held through the process by someone the like and trust – YOU!
But in order to become known, liked, and trusted – they have to get to know you first and that means showing up consistently with confidence.
That being said – do NOT forget to tell people how they can hire you. I see this all the time. You’re giving away great info and then forget to add where they can go to sign up for more and officially become a client. Remember that showing up online is part of a marketing strategy to generate new business, not just to be a nice person.
Are Packages Necessary as a Dog Trainer?
Are you selling one-off dog training lessons? I’ll ask you – is that really what’s best in order to get the best results for the dog, for the client, and for your reputation? The answer is definitely not. Very rarely is a single lesson enough for a client to resole all of their dog training challenges.
If you’re finding yourself selling the next lesson at the end of each lesson, this is exhausting for you and NOT the best expierence for the client. They just want what’s best adn want to reach their goals as fast a possible. Asking them at each lesson if they want to continue is exhausting for them too!
The might think… When will the lessons end? Is this just a ploy to get more money each time? How long will this last? Am I making enough progress to justify yet another lesson?
Your clients are busy – as we all are – and they likely suffer from decision fatigue, too. Do them a favor and sell them a package that will make them most likely to be successful. Stop asking them if they want to keep going at the end of each lesson. It is not a good client experience if you think of it from their perspective.
Another issue with one-off lessons is that it gives the impression that they can have all their questions resolved in one lesson. In dog training, we know this is very unlikely. There are far too many variables to consider and account for and address to see massive, long-lasting impact.
New eBook! “5 Steps to Scale Your Business & Eliminate the Hustle”
In this new eBook, I’ve pulled together some of the most common recommendations I share with my coaching students. I often see trends in what I suggest to common issues so I wanted to put that together into an eBook to share with the rest of you.
In this eBook, you’ll discover
How To Be Resolute About Your Time
How To Develop a Clear Vision
How to Effectively Implement Elimination & Delegation
Important Aspects to Consider When Restructuring for Profitability
How To Be Intentional About Your Mindset To Enjoy Your Business More
Who’s your ideal client? “I want clients that will do the work!” Charging more isn’t about just making more money.
I’ve seen it time and again. Clients come to me and tell me they want clients that will do the work. Of course you do! Who wants clients that don’t follow through with the work? The reality is that your pricing often plays a role in that though.
Without even knowing it. Because you want to be nice. To make training accessible to everyone. You price your private lessons and group classes low. You price yourself at what you think is “reasonable.” You price yourself compared to the competition. You don’t want to exclude anyone.
You want everyone to be able to get the training help they need. And I agree! They should get the training help they need at a price point that makes sense for them. BUT.
When you price your in-person services too low, you’re subconsciously telling people that its not that important. They don’t have enough skin in the game to fully commit to the amount of work that will be required for them to see the best results.
Consider this – are you actually doing them a disservice by offering services at a low price point? If they don’t have much (financially) invested into the services, what makes you think they’ll follow through?
Sure, there are people that will do the work, but you’ll have many more people that will try once and give up. Or procrastinate because other priorities come up like family engagements.
I often compare this to when I did a weight loss program. I’ve only ever done ONE. I’m not a weight loss type person… But this time (post-pregnancy) I wanted to shed the weight fast.
I wanted to make the commitment to myself. But I knew I needed some skin in the game to follow through and not cheat. I KNEW how to lose weight! I’d done it before on my own. BUT this time, I knew I wasn’t going to do it on my own with all the new stressors in my life.
So I bought in to a not-so-inexpensive program that would get me there faster than I could on my own. This program was valuable! BUT the price itself made me not slack.
??? The price I paid for it ALONE kept me committed to the whole journey. The price ALONE ensured I was successful. Long term. Consistently. Day in and day out. With a 3 month old baby. ? YUP.
I wasn’t about to let that money go to waste! I wanted to see the result I signed up for. ? So – your low prices – are they actually holding your clients back? Are your low prices doing a disservice to the dogs you want to help?
Sure – offer low price solutions at scale. But make sure that when you are personally and emotionally invested in the people and dogs you work with directly, that you have the same level of commitment from your clients. This month I’m opening up enrollment for a LIVE group coaching program.
It’s my new The Modern Dog Trainer Academy Program where I’m going to walk 25 amazing women business owners through my BEST material to help you launch, restructure, and design a business that empowers you to deliver amazing results and discover how to build a 6-figure business.
Consider this your invitation! Let me know if you’re interested by sending me an email at themoderndogtrainer at gmail dot com. I canNOT wait! Now’s the time.
Virtual dog training lessons, consults, and classes are slowly becoming the norm right now and there are a few questions that keep popping up that I want to address.
“How much should I charge for virtual dog training lessons?”
The first is “How much should I charge?” and “Should I charge a percentage of my private lesson rate?”
I’m not here to tell you what to do in your business. I am here to tell you that if you are still charging hourly then you’re creating our own earning ceiling. You only have so many hours in the day. Those hours are sooooo precious.
I spend hours with my kiddo. I spend hours outside when the weather is nice. Those are hours that I’ll never get back – and you won’t either.
So if you want to dedicate all of your hours to clients for a base rate, be my guest. But make sure it’s an intentional choice – not one you’re making without even realizing it because it’s an assumption you have about how you’re “supposed” to price yourself as a dog trainer.
As a dog trainer, you’re more than a service provider – you’re a teacher, a friend, a mentor, and a confidant.
You’re sharing years of experience and education with the dog owners you work with. Oh – and they get a well-trained dog because of it, too.
This information and education is valuable. And you could be charging based on the value you’re providing rather than the hours of the day you give your clients if you thought about the bigger picture and designed something totally unique to you and your business.
When you start charging for the value and experience you’re providing, you immediately eliminate the earning potential ceiling and create a scalable business model. You’re no longer limited by the number of hours you (and I) have in the day.
Your clients will even see better results because they’ll understand the value you’re providing beyond hours of your time. They’ll be more committed because they’ll have more skin in the game. And you’ll support them in more ways than one-hour at a time.
So carefully consider how you’ll price yourself. You’re not a cookie and shouldn’t be taking a cookie cutter approach.
“What dog training issues can you help people with in virtual dog training lessons?”
Another question I’ve seen pop up frequently is, “What issues can you help people with remotely?“
To that I say – any issue that doesn’t require you to wrangle a dog in-person.
I doubt any of you reading this are the type to physically wrangle a dog to the ground or physically manipulate their bodies. For this reason, you are likely limiting yourself from helping more dogs and people because of your lack of confidence.
Strong communication skills are critical for solving all kinds of dog behavior challenges remotely. That’s why Megan Wallace and I are putting together a FREE webinar next week on this topic. Learn more and sign up here: “Communicate with Confidence Online with Megan Wallace.“
Listen – it’s your business! Do what you like! Have a class as small or as large as you like. It doesn’t matter as long as your clietns are happy and seeing great results.
That said, I offer lots of tips in my Basics of Virtual Dog Training Lessons 2 hour Workshop. In this workshop, I went over all the technology and tools you need (Skype? Zoom?), how to price your services online, and so much more.
The reality is that you don’t want your classes too big so that people aren’t speaking over each other which can make it hard to hear. You can establish general rules and strategies like:
Have participants stay muted until you prompt for questions.
Have participants submit questions or requests to ask a question in the chat.
Use the breakout room Zoom feature to make classes smaller or pair people up.
However you choose to format it is up to you, your preferences, and how your clients experience it.
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She laughed at me. Maybe it was the way I hesitantly asked. Maybe it was what I asked for. She was a bank account manager and I was asking for 4 new checking accounts for my business – in addition to the one I already had. I was implementing the Profit First approach and I guess she saw that request as odd.
She said she was disappointed. It is wasn’t what she expected. She was one out of over 200 sales to message me something like this. I know it wasn’t perfect, but it was needed and I couldn’t wait for perfection to put it out there to help everyone that needed the information. And the positive feedback had been *astounding.*
These two are just TWO examples of being laughed at or criticized as a business owner. It never ends. But you just can’t let it stop you from helping those that need your help.
I receive and share tons of positive reinforcement, but I wanted to take a moment to be real with you – it isn’t always like that. Fortunately, I’ve developed a thicker skin over the years and I don’t let it stop me from showing up and helping my ideal clients and customers. The ones who need to hear what I have to say and share.
Persistence is critical. In order to succeed, you can’t be dissuaded by negativity, eye-rolling, or laughing. You won’t be perfect – give up that dream right. this. minute. But that only means that you’re trying to make a difference. You’re putting yourself out there. You’re giving people a leg up in their lives, you don’t need to give them a whole ladder.
Brene Brown puts it perfectly – “If you are not in the arena also getting your butt kicked, I’m not interested in your feedback.”
Keep this in mind the next time you come across someone that wants to give you “constructive criticism.” You DON’T have to accept it. You can let it roll off your shoulders. Your way of doing things is JUST FINE. If they want it differently – they can get their own hands dirty and get in the arena.
Right now, people are scared. They’re angry. They’ve got lots of times on their hands. So this is bringing out the best and the worst in them. Be aware of this as you move forward and continue to navigate these rocky waters. Their words are not necessarily even about you, you just happen to be in the way.
Maybe they’re going through job loss, illness, excessive stress – and you’re within firing range. You are not responsible for their actions even though you might be on the receiving end of them.
Keep moving forward. Focusing on your mindset. Growing your audience (maybe with the help of my 4 week Clicks to Clients social media course for dog trainers). Keep on keeping on while protecting your own mindset.
I re-opened my Clicks to Clients course because there’s never been a better time to develop your brand on social media. There have never been more people online at any given time and many of them need your help! Click here to learn more.
Overcoming these challenging times will make you practically bullet proof. Guard your mental space like it is worth more than gold. It could be the determining factor on whether or not you will prosper through this. I guarantee you that you are already your *biggest* critic, don’t let others intimidate you from showing up and building your dream business.
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This community has been truly inspirational. As dog trainers, problem solving is an every-day practice. No two dogs and situations are the same. We’re really good at taking our understanding of concepts and applying them to find creative solutions.
It’s thrilling to see you all apply your genius to quickly change the way you serve your clients.
You’re offering virtual lessons and classes.
You’re providing dog-only, day-training services.
You’re creating online courses to prevent future behavior issues that might come out of these.
While these are hard times, its important to maintain ownership of what you CAN do to move forward.
Focus on those that need and want your help – even if that has changed drastically.
Think about how you can innovative in your approach, your content, your solutions, and your services.
One thing’s for certain, we’ll all overcome this stronger humans and stronger business owners. This will prepare us for future challenges we don’t even know about yet.
You’ll gain skills during this time that you’ll be able to utilize and use to your advantage for the rest of your life – in this business, in a future business, or wherever life takes you.
These circumstances do not have to be the end of everything as we know it. They are simply the beginning of a new era where technology is more integrated into our services to better serve our clients.
One student privately messaged me this about it: “Thank you so much, Ines! You have shown through as the brightest light in our industry. Today is my first virtual training session!! I took your webinar a couple of weeks ago and am also writing a couple of courses for Thinkific. You have been my saving grace bringing me the easiest way to get going virtually quickly.”
These kinds of responses truly mean the world to me and motivate me to continue showing up and providing valuable information. Like the FREE Zoom tutorial I recorded…
If you want offer lessons via Zoom, make sure you don’t miss the FREE Zoom tutorial I made for my community. (Make sure to join my FREE Facebook group!)
Looking to add Virtual Dog Training Lessons or Classes to your services?
This is the end of “professionalism” as we know it.
News anchors are working from home with their kids as their co-hosts. Conference calls have kids screaming or dogs barking in the background.
The only way to continue working right now is by working from home. The speed at which these circumstances happened has left people unprepared to create proper set ups and with the kids home from school or daycare and no in-home childcare as an option, it’s almost impossible to keep work and personal lives separate right now.
It’s momentarily uncomfortable, but this will break down barriers. People are showing their true selves online like never before. The era of pristine professionalism is finally over.
Maybe you’re hosting classes and lessons from your living room virtually. You clients are dealing with their dogs and their kids at the same time.
Growing up, I was taught that I had to keep my true self to myself, true opinions private, and certainly not post anything I’d “regret” on the internet. *gasp*
With parents that are in Human Resources and Engineering – being professional was taught as a requirement to being a part of the “real world.” And it’s only in the last few years that I’ve started to break down those beliefs. If you’re part of my Facebook Group, you’ve seen me step up this past year and teach loads of live trainings on Facebook Lives. I’ve been slowly letting the world get to know who I am as a human, not just a business coach/teacher/educator.
I’m not going to lie – its been uncomfortable, but I’m thankful these efforts have been mostly met with open arms. And I’ve created real, offline relationships with people because of it!
People need connection. And while it’s easy to fake your personality online, it’s becoming more and more acceptable, expected and welcome to show your true self – flaws and all – online. I believe it is actually bringing us all closer together as everyone is realizing that everyone else is human, too! And that’s it’s okay to be yourself.
What I’ve learned, and what I want you to realize too, is that you can be yourself AND be regarded as an expert AND be friends with clients. That is the future of work that is sustainable, fulfilling, and flexible. Sure, you absolutely have to have policies and boundaries to protect your mental space, but the walls are being torn down – especially right now.
Being overly professional, like I used to be, is now – for certain – a thing of the past. People need connection and just because you’re there to help their dogs doesn’t mean you can ignore the human relationship. People will want to work with you now and in the future because of their relationship with you – not for what you can do for their dogs.
As a service-based, dog business owner, you’re in your client’s daily or weekly network and community. The world can be a lonely place and we all have seen how dogs can bring people together. Take careful consideration of this as you grow your presence online or in-person when we’re able to do so again.
You still have to be a skilled expert in your field. People can easily tell if you know what you’re talking about, but what I’m saying here is that that isn’t the only thing that matters anymore.
Let me know in the comments – what is it that your clients love most about you?! (Find out if you don’t know…)
I used to think that all I needed was the right strategy. I love strategy. I have a unique ability to understand the big picture and break it down in to a plan. It is my jam. I get the big picture. And I get the logistics. The older I get, the more I realize how unique of a skill this is.
If you’re like me, you’re probably thinking that all you need is the exact play-by-play actions you need to take to be successful. If only someone could just hand over the instructions, you’ll have that breakthrough.
What’s understated about success is that it honestly comes down to mindset. I didn’t even know what mindset was when I was first getting started with my own business. Its only just now becoming a mainstream term and its worth understanding what mindset really is because it will literally be the difference between your reaching “success” and not.
I love logistics. I want to know the exact “how.” I’m all about processes and procedures – in case you haven’t noticed with my popular Dog Training Client Lifecycle Roadmap Bundle...
But what’s made the undeniable and surprising difference in my business has been adopting an intentional mindset.
What is an intentional solo-entrepreneur’s mindset?
As a service-based, dog business owner – you’re basically a solo-entrepreneur. You’re the CEO and the service provider. And you’re the customer service. And the pooper-scooper. You do it alllllll.
It is hard. But it can get easier once you realize that you have to be the CEO first and foremost. As the CEO you have to have a vision for your business.
But you can’t make a vision you believe in unless you’re aware of the mindset you’re bringing to the table.
Mindset includes, but isn’t limited to…
The beliefs you have about your capabilities (conscious or subconscious)
The way you show up to work on your business each and every day
The thoughts you choose to think about your life
The way you present yourself to your clients
It feels like every week I become more and more aware of the impact my mindset has on myself, my family, and my business. If I’m not conscious about my thoughts and beliefs, then its easy to spiral into the “what ifs” and be emotionally dragged around by my fearful, life-protecting lizard brain.
Thankfully, I don’t have a knife to my throat so I’m not actually in a life or death situation and I can make decisions about what I want to think, believe, and act.
Your mindset could be leading you astray from your goals without even knowing it. What can you do today to become conscious of your thouhts? To regain awareness? To show up in the best possible way for your clients? To show up in the best possible way for your family?
It’s simple, but it isn’t easy. You just have to journal – simply write down the thoughts that come to mind so you can evaluate whether or not these thoughts are empowering you to take the appropriate actions or inhibiting you from stepping up.
Even if you don’t like writing – no one but you is going to read these words. Just get your thoughts down on paper and you’ll immediately experience a renewed sense of control, hope, and inspiration.
Your brain will try to make you resist this exercise. Tell it that it’s okay. This is just an experiment. Its just to “see what happens.” I’ve got some prompts to get your started:
*What is ONE thought that is not serving me right now? What thought do I want to hold instead?*
*What is one *result* I could accomplish today that would move me in the right direction?*(What could you get done today?)
*What is one thing I could do today to put myself into a good mood?*(Music/ dance/ walk/ etc?)
*If success was guaranteed, what vision would you have for your business? And how would you show up?*
*What beliefs do I hold about myself that aren’t necessarily true/absolute? What beliefs do I want to hold about my capabilities instead?*
You started a business to help your community – four-legged and two-legged. They need you to show up right now. They don’t need another spiral of panic. Be the source of calm, consistent, confidence. It also happens to be the place you need to be mentally to come up with the best ideas for how to move your business forward.
The recent events will permanently change the way companies do business. Whether you’re small and local or a Fortune 100 company, you’re re-evaluating your services, products, marketing, customer service, tools, and systems right now with a magnifying glass.
The coronavirus pandemic has caused every-one to figure out how to make their business virtual on a whole new level. Hundreds of dog trainers began offering virtual private lessons and classes to their customers.
View My Workshop “Deliver Virtual Dog Training Lessons Your Clients Will Love”
Even if their previous opinion about it was that it wasn’t ideal. Or that it is risky. Or that it couldn’t be done. Dog business owners across the world threw those excuses out the window – as they should have a long time ago – to take their businesses online so that they could continue serving their local clients.
The next change? Improving their online presence and digital marketing strategy so tha they can expand their customer base beyond just their local community.
I think this is an opportunity like we’ve never seen before.
Business owners have the opportunity to flex their creativity and get an even better understanding of the people they serve – if they don’t, they won’t make it through.
This is going to make businesses more responsive to their client’s needs and considerate of their real-world customers. And dog businesses are not exempt from this.
Now is your chance to prove that you’re in it for the long-haul. That you’re there for your customers and your community – beyond the dogs. Sure, you might have gotten into business as a dog trainer to help dogs, but starting a business is about helping people. Dogs don’t pay your bills.
Those that understand this, will make it through. You can help dogs in so many other ways than starting a business.
Those that see this mandatory change in their business model as an opportunity will succeed. Those that don’t. Those that shut down (mentally) out of fear of change will not.
I’m already seeing many trainers leading their clients through new services, virtually of course. They’re offering courses they’ve been thinking of. They’re offering services to pro-actively prevent potential behavior issues that could result from this long self-quarantining procedure. They’re helping their client’s families navigate the challenges of being stuck at home with everyone – kids, dogs, family – so that everyone can make it out the other side. Those are the business owners and community leaders that will make it out the other side. THEY are thinking of the people as well as the dogs.
The other thing I’m seeing that those that have a marketing strategy and system are already using that to expand their audience online. Even though digital marketing has been around for two decades, there are still dog businesses that do not even have a website or social media presence.
Obviously, I’ve been blogging here since 2014 so I know first hand the power of social media, Google, and email marketing. It is my jam. Its practically second nature to me now. Those that have ignored digital marketing are now coming to terms with the fact that they don’t have a marketing system at all. At least not one that works for you 24/7 for FREE.
Unfortunately, it can take some time to build this up organically. Fortunately, you now have time to do it and a WHOLE lot more people are online right now just waiting to come across your expertise – they just don’t know it yet.
Earlier this year I launched my new course “Clicks to Clients – A Social Media Strategy for Dog Trainers” that really applies to all dog businesses. I had closed it before the coronavirus circumstances made it silly for me to keep it from you. You can jump into this course and discover how to find potential clients, how to show your expertise on social media to attract clients you love, and begin generating new clients immediately.
View the “Clicks to Clients” Social Media Course
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The world is a pretty scary place right now. With popular events, festivals, and concerts being cancelled over Coronavirus concerns and schools and workplaces shutting down preventatively, it feels like everything is out of control. Many dog trainers are experiencing cancellations and reschedulings left and right due to fears of Coronavirus.
During this time of panic over loss of income, I’m urging you to do the opposite! Virtual dog training could be the solution to all your problems.
Yes — between the stock market and the spread of Coronavirus, it’s clear that we’ve hit a recession. But I’ve got good news for you: the pet care industry is recession-proof.
What does this mean? That in the last two US recessions, spending on pets actually increased. During the 2001 recession spending on pets went up by 29 percent, and during the 2008 to 2009 recession it went up 17 percent.
Our pets make us happy, so it makes sense that during times of stress we do things to increase their happiness (thereby making us happier in turn).
Just because people are staying inside to avoid getting sick doesn’t mean you can’t maintain or even boost your income.
This is by no means a time for panic; it’s time to be smart and proactive about your business model and marketing.
The Virtual Dog Training Revolution
Offering virtual dog training lessons — done via video conferencing — is a great way to stay healthy and expand your service area without traveling.
A Standard on Your Service Menu
There are a ton of reasons besides Coronavirus to have virtual lessons on your service menu:
Traveling, but need to keep earning income
Moving, but clients in your current city want to continue working with you
Want to offer assistance to people outside your local service area
Want to reduce your workload by taking some of the commute out of your day
Even if your particular locality is struggling, offering online services expands your reach and gives you an opportunity to boost your income.
Capitalize on Quarantine
A little macabre, I know, but hear me out.
With the general public being advised to practice social distancing, dog trainers are concerned about losing income to mass droves of cancellations. Offering virtual dog training services during this time is a great business move.
People are going to be stuck at home with their dogs; not only will they have more time for training, they may even notice new behaviors in their dogs they were unaware of before!
There are a number of options to consider when offering online services; private lessons, classes, resource centers, and each one works differently and provides a unique value.
Be a Leader in Your Community
Empower yourself and your community. People are scared and as a leader in your community, you should be there to guide them. Use your online platform to share factual information, spread truths, and provide strength to others.
Think Like a CEO
You’re your own boss, and you have to think like a CEO and how one would respond in this time. Serve your clients in a new, creative way.
Being flexible and providing virtual services is a strategic move that will keep you ahead of the recession. You have to be disciplined, stick to your routine, and market yourself for this to work!
Develop Your Virtual Dog Training Education
There’s a lot to learn when it comes to offering virtual services; how to price, how to run your lessons and classes, what technology to use, and more.
Unsure of how to get started? I’ve got you covered. I hosted a live Virtual Dog Training Lessons Workshop so you can run virtual lessons your clients will love! The recording + slides + discussion forum + bonuses are now available for you! It’s currently 35% off so don’t wait to snag this amazing deal…
The workshop includes info on how to run virtual lessons and classes, what technology to use, free tools, dos and don’ts, and more. It also comes with scripts and templates for you to utilize for a smooth transition into offering virtual services.
The world is chaotic enough as is — you shouldn’t have to worry about income in addition to navigating a pandemic and a recession. Be proactive for yourself and your business and get your virtual dog training up and running!
Unsure what steps to take to keep yourself, your employees, and your clients safe during the Coronavirus outbreak? Here’s our need-to-know COVID-19 guide.
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