by Ines | Jul 19, 2017 | Business, Podcast
This episode we had Lynn Webb on the show to discuss what it was like to work through all the unexpected challenges of starting up your own dog training business. Learning how to train dogs is the easy part. Knowing how to run a business with consistent income is the difficult part. Listen as Kat Camplin and Ines McNeil discuss the challenges that come with starting up your own dog training business.
Lynn Webb is the owner of The Proficient Pup Dog Training and Massage in North County San Diego. She has over 17 years of experience with animals, much of that time spent with birds, mammals, and reptiles at the San Diego Zoo Safari Park. Working in a zoo gave her the ability to wear many hats, which is also needed when starting and running a dog training business!
Lynn’s education includes a Master’s Degree, certification in dog training through Karen Pryor Academy, certification in Canine Massage through Rocky Mountain School of Animal Accupressure and Massage, and certification in Pet First Aid and CPR through PetTech. Her passions include dogs, learning, and teaching.
Subscribe to The Modern Dog Trainer Podcast on SoundCloud or iTunes. Follow The Modern Dog Trainer Blog on Twitter at @ModernTrainer, on Facebook at The Modern Dog Trainer Blog Page, and on Instagram at @TheModernDogTrainerBlog. Don’t forget to join our FREE Facebook Group, “Startup Tips for Modern Dog Trainers.” We love hearing from our listeners!
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Show Notes
You can find Lynn here:
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by Ines | May 14, 2017 | Podcast
Sarah Filipiak, Certified Dog Behavior Consultant, is a skilled professional dog behavior expert and has now turned to helping others become professional dog trainers. On today’s podcast, she talks to us about what it takes to be a true “professional” in the dog training industry. She’s started her own online “Becoming a Pro Dog Trainer” course, beginning May 22nd, to help other dog trainers starting out or improve their practice as dog trainers. (Should you click the link and purchase the course, The Modern Dog Trainer will make a small commission. These commissions help us maintain our website, Facebook groups, and keep more materials available for free.)
Subscribe to The Modern Dog Trainer Podcast on SoundCloud or iTunes. Follow The Modern Dog Trainer Blog on Twitter at @ModernTrainer, on Facebook at The Modern Dog Trainer Blog Page, and on Instagram at @TheModernDogTrainerBlog. Don’t forget to join our FREE Facebook Group, “Startup Tips for Modern Dog Trainers.” We love hearing from our listeners!
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Show Notes
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by Ines | May 1, 2017 | Podcast
is the dog training industry’s go-to expert when it comes to families, children, and dogs. We were really excited to have her on our show this month to discuss how she got this expertise and share with us how working with babies and children as a dog trainer can be challenging, but extremely rewarding.
Subscribe to The Modern Dog Trainer Podcast on SoundCloud or iTunes. Follow The Modern Dog Trainer Blog on Twitter at @ModernTrainer, on Facebook at The Modern Dog Trainer Blog Page, and on Instagram at @TheModernDogTrainerBlog. We love hearing from our listeners!
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About Our Guest
Jennifer Shryock B.A. is also a Certified Dog Behavior Consultant (CDBC) and owns Family Paws™ LLC in Cary, NC. Her Dogs & Storks and Dogs & Toddlers programs allow dog trainers to better understand how children affect the household so they can be better coaches to parents and better trainers for family dogs.
As we learned during our eye-opening discussion on the podcast, babies and young children in the home contribute uniquely challenging situations that can cause unforeseen conflicts, even for the most experienced dog trainers. Her support helpline and programs are available to parents and dog trainers worldwide.
You can check out Jennifer’s programs and conference here:
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by Ines | Jan 23, 2017 | Podcast
We had the pleasure of talking with Brian Burton, CDBC, this month on The Modern Dog Trainer Podcast. He owns and operates Instinct Dog Behavior & Training | NYC Dog Training and he shared some tips and trick so for running such a successful facility. We also dove into how his research on the limitation of using behaviorism learning theory quadrants for training decisions could impact your approach to dog training.
Subscribe to The Modern Dog Trainer Podcast on SoundCloud or iTunes. Follow The Modern Dog Trainer Blog on Twitter at @ModernTrainer, on Facebook at The Modern Dog Trainer Blog Page, and on Instagram at @TheModernDogTrainerBlog. We love hearing from our listeners!
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About Our Guest
Brian Burton, CDBC, and Sarah Fraser, CDBC, own Instinct Dog Training in NYC. They have successfully grown into yet another facility so I thought it would be great to have them on the show to discuss how they’ve been so successful.
You can learn more about who they are here.
Additionally, they will both be presenting at the IAABC conference on April 8th and 9th. You can learn more and register for the conference here.
Brian recommends the following resources to expand your understanding of animal welfare:
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by Ines | Dec 4, 2016 | Podcast
Molly Sumridge came on the show today to discuss how compassion fatigue is affecting thousands of pet professionals who give their heart and soul into their profession and forget to take care of themselves. She explains how it’s different than burn out and how it may be happening without you even knowing.
If you enjoy this podcast, please subscribe to The Modern Dog Trainer Podcast on SoundCloud or iTunes. Follow The Modern Dog Trainer Blog on Twitter at @ModernTrainer, on Facebook at The Modern Dog Trainer Blog Page, and on Instagram at @TheModernDogTrainerBlog. We love hearing from our listeners!
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Show Notes
“Compassion Fatigue is a state experienced by those helping people or animals in distress; it is an extreme state of tension and preoccupation with the suffering of those being helped to the degree that it can create a secondary traumatic stress for the helper.” Dr. Charles Figley
Tips for preventing compassion fatigue:
- Mindfulness training
- Resilience training
- Positive thinking
- Gratitude
- Meditation
- Breathing
What to do if you’re struggling right now:
- Suicide Hotline 1-800-273-8255
Be proactive and help yourself online:
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by Ines | Nov 6, 2016 | Podcast
Today we invited Rachel Golub, CDBC, CPDT-KA of San Diego Animal Training. Her and her husband juggle a flourishing animal training business with a boarding facility and two small children. We discuss how she does it, why she chose to open a facility, how she increases compliance with her clients, and more!
Subscribe to The Modern Dog Trainer Podcast on SoundCloud or iTunes. Follow The Modern Dog Trainer Blog on Twitter at @ModernTrainer, on Facebook at The Modern Dog Trainer Blog Page, and on Instagram at @TheModernDogTrainerBlog. We love hearing from our listeners!
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Show Notes
Rachel was kind enough to share some tips for managing clients, children, and a business. It was incredibly helpful to learn about why she chose to pursue multiple certifications, refers clients out and receives clients from a powerful network of trainers in her area, and how she increases client compliance for her aggression cases.
The certifications that Rachel mentions are:
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by Ines | Sep 14, 2016 | Podcast
In this episode, we invited Donna Hill of the well-known Assistance Dog Training YouTube channel and founder of the Service Dog Training Institute. We discuss how she got started and what inspired her to start her own online dog training courses.
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Donna Hill & The Service Dog Training Institute
We’ve followed Donna Hill for many years. She’s recently grown a large audience thanks to her detailed dog training videos which break down behaviors into tiny steps that anyone can understand and use with their dogs.
She’s taking this success one step further by developing an online dog training institute for anyone that needs a service dog but can’t necessarily afford to purchase one or hire a trainer to train one.
We’re excited to share with you the details about how she got started, why she came up with the Service Dog Training Institute, and where she’s going to take it. Listen to the podcast and share your thoughts in the comments below!
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by Ines | Jul 17, 2016 | Podcast
We invited Brad Phifer, President of the Certification Council for Professional Dog Trainers, to discuss some of their new and current policies. Listen as we discuss Brad’s views on banning shock collars, enforcing their CEU presenter credentials, and some exciting plans for the next 3-5 years.
Subscribe to The Modern Dog Trainer Podcast on SoundCloud or iTunes. Follow The Modern Dog Trainer Blog on Twitter at @ModernTrainer, on Facebook at The Modern Dog Trainer Blog Page, and on Instagram at @TheModernDogTrainerBlog. We love hearing from our listeners! Please leave us a review on iTunes to help support our podcast!
Brad’s Views on Shock Collars & the CCPDT’s Role
We hit on some major hot topics in this episode. One of those being Brad’s views on why the CCPDT should or should not advocate banning them as a certification organization.
Ultimately it comes down to whether or not it is the CCPDT’s role to prohibit their certificants from using them all together. Since the CCPDT is not a membership or trade organization, they are simply not in the position to impose that on their certificants.
Qualifying Requirements for CEU Credit
While new requirements for educators and speakers were published in 2014, the enforcement of these new guidelines is just now beginning and people are starting to notice. By December 2016, many widely recognized professional trainers who teach seminars around the world will not be able to provide CEUs to their attendees anymore. This is a challenging situation to accept for many, but ultimately this will move the dog training industry into a new level of professionalism. If you hold yourself, as a dog trainer, to a high standard of education, then why should the speakers you learn from not do so?
Higher education for all will result in increased public safety and a more professional industry all around.
One new policy that has gone unnoticed is the fact that you can now rollover your extra CEUs into your next renewal time period.
Listen all the way to the end of the podcast to discover some interesting revelations about Brad’s views on licensing within the dog training industry and the CCPDT’s plans for the next 3-5 years.
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by Ines | Jun 14, 2016 | Podcast, Training Methods
In this podcast we talk to Abigail Curtis DVM, one of the founders of the International Dog Parkour Association. We go over how it all began, what you should know before you get started with dog parkour, and how you can leverage this sport with your clients as a professional dog trainer.
Subscribe to The Modern Dog Trainer Podcast on SoundCloud or iTunes. Follow The Modern Dog Trainer Blog on Twitter at @ModernTrainer, on Facebook at The Modern Dog Trainer Blog Page, and on Instagram at @TheModernDogTrainerBlog. We love hearing from our listeners! Please leave us a review on iTunes to help support our podcast!
The International Dog Parkour Association is a 501c3 non-profit organization founded in 2014 by Karin and Abigail.
To learn more about what dog parkour is and how to get started check out their “What is Dog Parkour” page.
by Ines | Apr 30, 2016 | Podcast, Training Methods
In this podcast we invited Helix Fairweather, KPA instructor and creator of CyberDog, to talk about building online dog training courses.
Subscribe to The Modern Dog Trainer Podcast on SoundCloud or iTunes. Follow The Modern Dog Trainer Blog on Twitter at @ModernTrainer, on Facebook at The Modern Dog Trainer Blog Page, and on Instagram at @TheModernDogTrainerBlog. We love hearing from our listeners! Please leave us a review on iTunes to help support our podcast!
Building Online Dog Training Courses with Helix Fairweather
Helix Fairweather teaches dog training classes remotely with the help of email and webinar software. Listen to this podcast to learn more about how she teaches classes online successfully.
As mentioned in the podcast, be sure to check out her online Start Smart course for owners and dog trainers.
Reach out to her at HelixFairweather at gmail. com if you’d like speak with her directly.