The Modern Dog Trainer Blog
The contributors on this blog have been in your shoes and we want to help you create a profitable dog training business. We’re here to show you how to start your dog training business, give you smart marketing tips, make day-to-day business operations simpler and more automated, and so much more!
Key Components To Creating A “Must Read” Email Newsletter
One of the most difficult of starting your own dog training business is understanding what marketing efforts are worth your time. I say, email marketing is critical for long-term success. Unlike social media, once you collect a list of emails - they're yours! If...
Top 3 Ways To Train “Place”
"Place" is a behavior in which the dog goes to lie down on a mat and remains there until released. Here are the three best ways to teach your client's dogs how to go to their place using modern dog training techniques. There are 6 different ways you can get a dog to...
Free eBook for New Dog Trainers
Read about the 10 most common mistakes new dog trainers make with their businesses in our FREE eBook.