The Modern Dog Trainer Blog

The contributors on this blog have been in your shoes and we want to help you create a profitable dog training business. We’re here to show you how to start your dog training business, give you smart marketing tips, make day-to-day business operations simpler and more automated, and so much more!
Private Sessions Or Group Classes?

Private Sessions Or Group Classes?

When new clients contact you, generally the first thing you will be asked about is classes you offer.  Most people don't even think about private training.  Knowing whether to guide your clients in the direction of classes or private sessions will help your clients...

5 Places To Hold Group Classes

5 Places To Hold Group Classes

If you are a dog trainer without your own private training facility, you can sometimes feel relegated to holding only private in-home sessions.  However, with some creativity and planning, you can hold group classes in many different places. Public Parks Public parks...

Preventing Play Induced Aggression At Dog Parks

Preventing Play Induced Aggression At Dog Parks

Research Team Dog parks are a touchy subject for many dog trainers. While the concept of dog parks is wonderful, the implementation and reality of dog parks are challenging. Dog parks, in theory, are a great way to socialize your dog around other dogs and people off...

3 Ways to Use Active Listening with Clients

3 Ways to Use Active Listening with Clients

Active Listening With Clients Can Help Your Clients Go From Confused To Cooperative Being a dog trainer involves more than having a background in dog knowledge, it requires us to utilize our people skills. As much as we’d love to say “it’s all about the dogs”, in...

3 Marketing Techniques You Can Do Today

3 Marketing Techniques You Can Do Today

Marketing your business can be daunting, but it doesn't have to be. Word of mouth is a great way to get more business, but that can take a while to grow. Marketing is the quickest way to build clientele. Most dog trainers lack a background in marketing, and may be...

Things To Consider When Determining Your Prices

Things To Consider When Determining Your Prices

Pricing services can be difficult since there are so many factors included in dog training. These factors include: customer interactions, communication skills, location and travel, education, experience, perceived value, and amount of competition in the area. Cost Of...

How To Achieve A Successful Business

How To Achieve A Successful Business

So you have decided to run your own dog training business but what steps do you need to take to guarantee a successful outcome? Just like a new puppy it requires time, patience, and commitment to be up and running. 5 Steps to Building Your Dog Training Business Work...

5 Ways To Reduce A Dog’s Stress In Class

5 Ways To Reduce A Dog’s Stress In Class

As a modern dog trainer, you've studied canine body language.    You are confident in your ability to identify when a dog is experiencing stress.  But now that you've identified that dog, how do you help it? Increase Distance From Dog's Stressors If space permits,...

Becoming The Best Teacher You Can Be

Becoming The Best Teacher You Can Be

At the APDT Conference last week we had the pleasure of listening to Sumac Grant-Johnson's speech called Build A Better Trainer. Sumac is a wonderful dog and people trainer. She engaged the audience like few speakers were able to. Everyone was laughing and enjoying...

6 Lessons Learned From Ian Dunbar – Dog-Dog Aggression

6 Lessons Learned From Ian Dunbar – Dog-Dog Aggression

Dr. Ian Dunbar is the founder of the Association of Professional Dog Trainers (APDT). He is known as a leader in the humane training movement and is a national advocate for proper puppy socialization. We attended his talk during the APDT Conference in Hartford and...

APDT Conference – Day 1

APDT Conference – Day 1

This week we are attending the APDT Conference in Hartford. As day one comes to a close, we want to share some of our favorite moments. Conference Opening Ceremony Amber Burckhalter from the APDT Board of Trustees gave a beautiful introduction and moment of silence...

5 Reasons You Should Refer A Case To Another Trainer

5 Reasons You Should Refer A Case To Another Trainer

As a professional who takes pride in your work, it can be difficult to accept that sometimes you are in over your head.  Having a network of other trusted trainers you can either consult with or make a referral to makes you a stronger trainer.  There are several...

New Book!


Free eBook for New Dog Trainers

Read about the 10 most common mistakes new dog trainers make with their businesses in our FREE eBook.

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