The Modern Dog Trainer Blog

The contributors on this blog have been in your shoes and we want to help you create a profitable dog training business. We’re here to show you how to start your dog training business, give you smart marketing tips, make day-to-day business operations simpler and more automated, and so much more!
Guest Post: False Bravado!

Guest Post: False Bravado!

Dominance False Bravado! If you work with dog owners or cruise the dog behavior groups on Facebook you will often see dogs that are labeled ‘dominant’. I hear this most often in client homes where they have multiple dogs and have categorized one as the dominant or...

3 Approaches to Teaching Loose Leash Walking

3 Approaches to Teaching Loose Leash Walking

Loose leash walking.  *insert ominous music*  Sometimes teaching loose leash walking to clients can feel like the bane of every dog trainer's existence.  It's not that the skills needed are difficult.  No, it's the consistency and patience that are required that can...

Top 10 Dog Training Conferences for 2015

Top 10 Dog Training Conferences for 2015

The Ultimate Dog Training Conference Wish List Are you required to obtain continuing education credits to maintain a certification? Do you simply enjoy learning new things about dogs? Do you have a wicked sense of adventure? Here are the Best Dog Training Conferences...

5 Uses For Crates During Training

5 Uses For Crates During Training

Many clients are averse to the idea of crating their dogs.  Being able to explain to them how crating can help their dog's training progress may open them up to the concept. Housetraining Crating can be of immense benefit when it comes to housetraining a dog,...

10 Behaviors To Train With Targeting

10 Behaviors To Train With Targeting

10 Behaviors You Can Teach With Targeting One of the first behaviors we recommend teaching every client a nose target. There are many behaviors you can teach with a nose target, and even more you can teach with general targeting. We also believe it is a good behavior...

Dogs Out Loud: A Rehab Program For The Last 10%

Dogs Out Loud: A Rehab Program For The Last 10%

Dogs Out Loud Is Saving Dogs On Death Row Dogs Out Loud is dedicated to saving the last 10% of dogs who face euthanasia in a no-kill, city-run shelter in Austin, Texas. Dogs deemed unadoptable due to their behavior issues now have a chance thanks to the Dogs Out Loud...

Don’t Sacrifice Welfare For Better Behavior

Don’t Sacrifice Welfare For Better Behavior

The Truth About Shock Collars: There Shouldn't Be A Trade Off Between Welfare And Better Behavior A recent article was published that discusses the humane-ness of using shock collars to train dogs. The Science of Dog Training: Is It Okay To Use A Shock...

5 Reasons Why Dogs Should Attend Doggy Day Care

5 Reasons Why Dogs Should Attend Doggy Day Care

Why Doggy Day Care Is A Good Idea It seems like a great solution to many trainers to recommend doggy day care to the average client. Many dogs lack stimulation, sufficient outlets for their energy, or opportunities to socialize with other dogs. Here are five reasons...

Writing A Dog Training Book With Sue Brown

Writing A Dog Training Book With Sue Brown

An Interview With Sue Brown On Writing A Dog Training Book Writing a book about dog training can help you to establish yourself as an industry authority in your community and beyond. But what does it take to write a book? We asked Sue Brown, an accomplished dog...

Lessons From A Weekend With Ken Ramirez

Lessons From A Weekend With Ken Ramirez

A Weekend With Internationally Recognized Animal Trainer, Ken Ramirez Ken Ramirez has been in the animal training/behavior world for over 35 years.  He has worked with guide dogs, law enforcement K-9s, zoo animals, and marine animals.  He has worked at Chicago's Shedd...

Should You Start Your Own Company Or Join Someone Else’s?

Should You Start Your Own Company Or Join Someone Else’s?

How To Choose Between Starting Your Own Business Or Becoming Someone's Employee When you are first starting out, it can be difficult to choose between starting your own dog training business or joining someone else's. Ultimately, there are benefits to both. Start Your...

10 Ways To Use A Mat In Training

10 Ways To Use A Mat In Training

Excellent Reasons to Use a Mat in Dog Training A mat, or a defined place for a dog to "go to," is a versatile and useful behavior to teach a dog.  A mat can be many things:  a dog bed, a dog mat, a bath mat, a towel, a blanket, a pillow -- whatever makes the most...

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Free eBook for New Dog Trainers

Read about the 10 most common mistakes new dog trainers make with their businesses in our FREE eBook.

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