The Modern Dog Trainer Blog
Product Review – Ruffwear Haul Bag
A Review Of The Ruffwear Haul Bag Behind every great dog trainer is a great training bag. Between treats, clickers, toys, notepads, treat pouches, harnesses, and leashes, it can be difficult finding an appropriately sized bag that isn't super bulky and half the size...
5 Steps To Teach A Reliable Recall
When asking a client what their goals are for the end of a session, coming when called is almost always on the list. It only makes sense, because it is a life saving behavior - behavior being the key word. A lot of owners have a misconception that dogs understand the...
Lumping And Splitting: Break Criteria Down For Better Training
Most dogs learn the same way. Wait, really? Let’s back up. The difference is not in the learning; it’s in the training. I’m sure you’ve experienced that each breed requires training specific to their tendencies, and each pup can be as individual as each of us. By...
Top 5 Favorite Dog Harnesses For Training
After thorough surveying throughout online communities, we discovered the five most popular dog harnesses for training. The first three harnesses are front attachment harnesses which have a ring on the back across the shoulders and another ring in the middle of the...
Guest Post: Establishing a Working Relationship with a Local Veterinarian or Clinic
Establishing a working relationship with a local veterinarian or clinic can be very lucrative. It can range anywhere from a small percentage of your total monthly or yearly clientele and income to one hundred percent of your entire business. One veterinarian, with...
5 Signs You Should Turn Away A Dog Training Client
In nature, there are many personalities in humans that clash. Just like dogs, we do not get along with every person we meet. This does not mean that you or the other person are wrong, it just happens. As the dog trainer, we need to realize when our clients are not...
5 Leashes With A Purpose
If there is one thing all dog trainers love, it's their equipment! From collars to treats, dog trainers can obsess over many things. The line between owner and dog is something that takes many forms. Not only do leashes look different, they also serve different...
Fear And Anxiety Can Shorten Dogs’ Lives
Fear And Anxiety In Dogs Causes Damage Nobody enjoys seeing frightened or anxious dogs. It wrenches at the heart-strings as we internalize how we feel when anxious. But this study makes it even worse. It speculates that fear and anxiety can actually shorten dogs'...
Research Shows Dogs Value Control As Much As We Do
One of the myths of force-free dog training is that the dogs are simply working for food, and once the food is gone, the obedience will be gone. You, as modern dog trainers, know that is far from the truth. However, here's a study that was done that also disputes...
Three Ways To Build Your Client and Networking Base
Whether you are starting out or are well-established, keeping your business going is not always a walk in the park. There is so much to consider but perhaps the most central concern is that of getting your name out to the general public. There are several ways to do...
Tips Before You Start Training Dogs On A Deadline
Five Things To Consider There are numerous ways for dog trainers to provide their services, and each has its benefits and drawbacks. In addition to group classes, in home training, and day training services, trainers also can provide board-and-train services. For...
Harnessing Tug O’ War For Better Proofing
Tug O’ War Learning Do you find some clients saying: "I just want my dog to calm down”? I often think they are really saying they wish their dog would listen to them rather than lose their spunk or nuttiness. Often times when dogs are aroused by their environment be...
10 Behaviors All Obedience Classes Should Cover
Ask anyone and they have their own idea of what a dog should learn. There are the essential behaviors but there are some other behaviors that might not be taken into consideration until there is an issue. It is important to cover these in a class to provide students...
“Lazy” Dog Training Works
Simply Put, Lazy Dog Training Works "Lazy Dog Training” is a term I use when working with clients. Clients often feel overwhelmed by the amount of training that is truly needed. Because we are trainers and know the importance of training, it’s easy for us to show up...
Three Ways To Teach Relaxation
Three Different Ways To Teach A Dog To Relax Relaxation is something a lot of dogs do not know how to do in many different environments. It is also something most owners do not think they have to teach their dog. Relaxation is important because it helps lower the...
10 Prejudices Owners Have Against Clicker Training That Are Wrong
1. Clicker Training Is Permissive Clicker training does not mean you will never tell a dog “no.” Behaviors that are reinforced with a click/treat will repeat; behaviors that are ignored will go away. Ignoring behaviors and/or NOT clicking/treating is telling the dog...
10 Things Every Puppy Class Should Include
Puppy Class Tips For The Modern Dog Trainer It is our job to start puppies off on the right paw. As a dog trainer, we know that those first few months of a dog's life are the months that shape who he's going to be for the rest of his life. Socialization and structure...
Share A Little Win A Lot: National Train Your Dog Month
National Train Your Dog Month National Train Your Dog Month was started by the Association of Professional Dog Trainers in 2010. Their inspiration was to get owners aware of the benefits of training their dogs using scientifically sound techniques. Since many people...
10 Qualities Of Great Dog Trainers
There are many dog trainers in this world. Some are amazing, some are so-so, and let's be honest, some are downright dodgy. As a modern dog trainer, what are some traits you should possess to be considered a great dog trainer? 1. Patience Patience is indeed a...
What’s Happening The Other 23 Hours Of The Day?
Rehearsal Is The Key To Success The way to success in becoming a star athlete or a master criminal is achieved in the same way. The more a skill or behavior is rehearsed the better and more natural it becomes. So often dog parents may come to you wanting to change a...
Free eBook for New Dog Trainers
Read about the 10 most common mistakes new dog trainers make with their businesses in our FREE eBook.