The Modern Dog Trainer Blog

The contributors on this blog have been in your shoes and we want to help you create a profitable dog training business. We’re here to show you how to start your dog training business, give you smart marketing tips, make day-to-day business operations simpler and more automated, and so much more!
Underlying Causes Of Aggression In Dogs

Underlying Causes Of Aggression In Dogs

As you become a better trainer and further your knowledge and chops in the training world you may want to start seeing behavioral cases. The one thing I learned to do very early on is to rule out anything medical first. There are so many illnesses that can masquerade...

Top 3 Mistakes Made By Trainers Using BAT

Top 3 Mistakes Made By Trainers Using BAT

This is part 3 of a 3-part series on Behavior Adjustment Training (BAT), created by Grisha Stewart. In the first posting you learned about the basics of BAT and how a “perfect” session should look.  In part 2, you learned why it is so effective for reactive/aggressive...

Review: DogReins No-Pull Harness

Review: DogReins No-Pull Harness

I was excited when I opened up my package, of two DogReins No-Pull Harnesses, a medium and a large, one with a bright red cozy and the other with a yellow cozy. The color of the harnesses was all black and came with the “reins”, a long multi-functional leash that...

Time Tracking Software Reviews

Time Tracking Software Reviews

For months I've been on a mission to find the perfect tool to track my time and my client's time. Specifically, tracking prepaid package time for each client. On my list is a way to view package time use, alerts when payments are due, tracking prepaid money as...

10 Most Creative Dog Training Business Card Ideas

10 Most Creative Dog Training Business Card Ideas

Business cards should quickly show who you are, what services you provide, and legible contact information. You should include a phone number, an email address, and your website at the very least. Your brand should show clearly so that people have an idea of what they...

IAABC Animal Behavior Conference 2015, Day 2

IAABC Animal Behavior Conference 2015, Day 2

Due to the generosity of IAABC President Michael Shikashio, The Modern Dog Trainer was able to send a writer to the Animal Behavior Conference in Chicago, IL.  Notes from day 1 can be found here.   Living With And Loving A Pet With Behavior Problems, by Kristin...

5 Ways To Win Over Clients

5 Ways To Win Over Clients

Whether you have just met a client for the first time or this is their last scheduled session, all 5 of these techniques are important to use to maintain a lasting relationship between trainer and dog owner. 1. Empathy This requires exceptional communication and a...

Mental Stimulation Ideas For Dogs

Mental Stimulation Ideas For Dogs

Dogs need both mental and physical exercise to be balanced and healthy.  Finding ways to do this can be challenging. Understanding the need for and providing opportunities for physical exercise is relatively common knowledge among dog owners.  But the concept that...

New Book!


Free eBook for New Dog Trainers

Read about the 10 most common mistakes new dog trainers make with their businesses in our FREE eBook.

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