Yes! You Can Build a 6-figure Dog Training Business That You’ll LOVE.

We teach Positive Reinforcement Dog Trainers to build a business that allows them to make more money, work fewer hours, and have less stress…

…while working with people (and dogs) that they LOVE!

As Seen In...

The Modern Dog Trainer Academy

The Proven Program & Strategy for R+ Dog Trainers to Build a Sustainable and Profitable Business.

Make more money and work fewer hours… while working with people (and dogs) that you LOVE!

The Modern Dog Trainer Academy is about YOU and building a business that fits YOUR schedule, accomplishing YOUR goals, and lets you work with people (and dogs) YOU love.

You’ll never feel alone as you’ll be working directly with a dedicated coach, enjoy regular live training calls, and stay energized with our vibrant community of committed students. 

You’ll end up with a strong business foundation, a predictable way to generate clients, and the ability to scale as big as you’d like to without your business running you.

How Does The Modern Dog Trainer Program Work?

Part 1. Intentional Design

We’ll help you design YOUR ideal schedule.

You get to give yourself permission to define how you truly want to run your business instead of following the traditional structure that’s always been done.

Give yourself evenings and weekends off if you’d like! Many of our students do!


Part 2. Pawfitable Programs Formula

We’ll help you define YOUR ideal client and create a perfect signature dog training program to meet their needs.

Eliminate hourly pricing and start being paid for the valuable impact you’re having in clients’ lives instead of the number of hours you spend with them.

Your unique programs will separate you from the competition and allow you to charge premium prices without objection.

Get crystal clear and soon you’ll be working with people (and dogs) YOU love. 


Part 3. Clicks to Clients Marketing System

The Modern Dog Trainer Academy teaches you foundational organic marketing techniques that will get clients knocking down your door without ANY ads or being “salesy”.

Fill up your calendar with people who are willing to pay for your expertise. 

Part 4. Think like a Boss

The Modern Dog Trainer Academy will teach you how to “think like a boss”, make great decisions, and grow your business on YOUR terms.

Embrace thinking like a business owner and lead your business in the direction that makes sense for your goals.

Developing next level thinking is a must to creating a successful, sustainable business…we’ll share all of our secrets.

Part 5. Implement Systems

Once your systems are optimized to get you the results YOU want, it’s time to automate and streamline.

We’ll share what our tp trainers are using to save 100’s of hours of busywork every year. Our sales process troubleshooter will help you identify any opportunities to improve your revenue-generating activities, too.

Create an unforgettable client experience that generates referrals for years to come.

This is what our alumni have to say about the program

Alisa Healy, Dog Forward Training

“I expected to feel like I know what I was doing as a new business owner. I expected to start booking clients within the first 90 days of being in the Academy. I expected to feel more confident in myself. I expected to understand how to get clients. I expected to have clear processes for working with clients. I also set a goal to make $4,000/month by the sixth month of being in business. And all those things happened for me! I actually hit my income goal by month four.Before I joined the Academy, I was struggling to define my services and set my prices. I spent hours researching and brainstorming. With the Academy’s help, I had it sorted in about one hour. And it’s a program I absolutely love.”

Heide Maglott, Pawzercise Dog Training

“My sales are over $5000 in 4 weeks. My average prior was 2000-3000 a month. Plus I raised my prices!! THIS stuff works! And… things are just getting started! Don’t forget about customer testimonials and reviews!! My clients keep telling that I am the only trainer in my country with a 5 stat rating and that was a big factor in why they called me. Plus, they all said that my website made them want to work with me. I am the only 100% force free trainer in the area.”

Anick Côté, Euxreka

“It works so much! Whenever you have any doubts, Ines or Megan give me a helping hand with quick assistance or through each module, each Q&A or each video. I never thought it would be so easy to sell my signature program, but now, with all the advice from Ines or Megan and the academy program, customers are saying yes before they even know the price! It’s that so amazing! In 3 weeks, I sold 4 programs with a total value of $4000!!!”

What’s included?

1. The Modern Dog Training Academy Foundations

  • Your step-by-step road map to $8k months and beyond.
  • Design your ideal schedule, your ideal client, and your signature program.
  • Learn how to price and market your program.
  • Done for you scripts, marketing posts, emails, client onboarding systems

2. “30 Days to $3K” Program

  • Your PROVEN quick-start income plan.
  • Done for you sales page template, client homework packets, sales scripts, email marketing sequence, and more.
  • Easy-to-follow video training to pull it all together.

3. Five-Day Online Dog Training Program Launch Intensive

  • Quickly launch a highly profitable online version of your training program.
  • Complete launch playbook, online program examples, sales page cheat sheet, branding advice, and more.

4. Dog Training Client Lifecycle Roadmap Bundle  

  • Create an unforgettable client experience that generates referrals for years to come.
  • Professional new client onboarding strategy 
  • Timely communication tactics
  • Positive and referral producing off-boarding templates

5. Clicks to Clients Marketing Strategy

  • Master modern social media marketing in just minutes a day
  • Generate a steady stream of new clients
  • Content planner,
  • 30 proven social media post ideas,
  • 10 scripts to grow your audience
  • Understand the value of “social proof”
  • Links to 100 dog lover groups on Facebook,
  • …and much, much more.

6. 7 Bonus Courses / Templates / Downloads

  • Plug and Play website Template
  • DIY SEO Strategy
  • Client progress tracker
  • Sales process troubleshooting guide
  • “Confident Communication” course
  • …and more.

7. World-Class Support

  • Forever Access to all Core Curriculum Content
  • Six Months Access to Our Accountability Call
  • Six Months Access to Live Coaching calls with Founder, Ines McNeil
  • Six Months Access to Private Academy Student Community
  • Six Months Access to Weekly Live Group Training with Our Coaches

IMPORTANT NOTE: The Modern Dog Trainer Academy is by invitation only and a credit card doesn’t automatically get you in.

We only work with positive reinforcement trainers who meet with our lead advisor to determine if we are a good fit.

If you don’t get invited in, we still love you. There is a lot of work on our part and we want to make sure you’re ready for this level of success before we get started. 

Meet Your Coaches

Ines, Founder and CEO, The Modern Dog Trainer

Ines McNeil, holds a B.S. Biology and is a Certified Professional Dog Trainer (CPDT-KA), and she is the founder of The Modern Dog Trainer.  Ines started this business to help talented dog trainers make the income they deserve. She was deeply tired of seeing amazing trainers barely able to make ends meet and saw an opportunity to do things differently, empower trainers to see their value, and change the way this industry operates forever. She strongly believes that your money should reflect the positive impact you’re having in the world. She now coaches hundreds of pet business owners around the world each year to help them earn more from the value they deliver to their clientele.

Who Is This For?

Frequently Asked Questions

How does this online program work?

The Modern Dog Trainer Academy is designed to be the LAST investment you’ll ever need to make to reach six figures.

We provide EVERYTHING you need to quickly get your business off the ground and making you money FAST!

The entire program is delivered in bite-size modules so you can go at your own pace and easily find and review training material for years to come. 

You receive instant access to the modules so you can start implementing immediately. 

Monthly live group coaching video calls and weekly live training video calls are recorded and will be stored on our online course platform.

The weekly modules are released in order of completion.

You’ll have access to our vibrant and private Facebook group just for students.

How long do the lessons take?
Each module is recorded so you can listen/watch when it best suits your schedule. We’ve also made sure to keep the videos short and to the point so that you can spend most of your time executing and taking action than watching passively. We recommend you schedule 2 hours per week, but keep in mind that you’ll have lifetime access to the content so you can also go at your own pace.
What kind of trainers do you accept into the program?
We align with the standards set forth by the leading independent certifying organization for the dog training profession, the Certification Council of Professional Dog Trainers. Please read their Code of Ethics or LIMA Policy and decide for yourself if you’d be a good fit method-wise for our group.
How long will I have access to the content?
  • You will have lifetime access to the Core Curriculum Content.
  • All live training sessions are delivered to a private student community Facebook group and you have six months of access to this group included with your program.
  • You will also receive 90 days of 1-on-1 coaching via Facebook messenger. Coach Megan, a successful dog trainer and business coach, handles most of these questions personally. 
Will I receive CEUs towards CCPDT or KPA?

– CCPDT: You’ll receive 12 CEUs through the CCPDT. (CPDT-KA: 12 | CPDT-KSA Knowledge: 12)
– KPA CEUs awarded: 12
What happens after I purchase the course?

You get instant access to the program material and our private Academy community so you get started on achieving your goals in record time.

What's the difference between this and a membership somewhere else?

You will not find a proven, step-by-step roadmap to building the six-figure business of your dreams anywhere else. We have the formulas, expert coaches, and materials that allow you to focus on only the biggest needle-moving parts of building a cohesive business from the ground up. Memberships tend to have a little of that and a little of this, they are not organized in a proven strategic plan.

Think to yourself… Do you want to be in the same place in 6 months from now or hitting 8k months? Memberships often throw so many different things at you that you’ll find yourself distracted and treading water without having made any real progress in 6 months. We deliver results-oriented strategies with top-notch coaches and a community for support. We help you focus on the real money-making tasks that can help you reach your goals. You’ll be building all the components to create a whole business with the systems in place to get to 8k months in record time. Your business will be a cohesive machine that isn’t piecemealed together and instead intentionally designed to fit your ideal lifestyle and personality.




The Modern Dog Training Academy program is for YOU if…

… you have been stuck trying to get your business off the ground

…your business is running you ragged and you don’t see a solution

…”Imposter Syndrome” has you believing you don’t have the education or experience to be valuable

We believe there are plenty of dog owner clients to go around!

The Modern Dog Training Academy will show you exactly how to build YOUR following of ideal clients that need YOU to step into your gifts and help bring peace and harmony to their homes. 

We also believe that you can’t help EVERYONE and you shouldn’t even try.

Find YOUR tribe of folks (and dogs) that you love working with and leave you on a high every day. Never burnout and never dread a day with your clients again.

The Modern Dog Training Academy program is for YOU!

 Ready to build your own $10k per month dog training business?

Enrollment is currently closed. Please join our waitlist here. 

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